Michael Drumm
/ Categories: 2021

3-A SSI Opens Nominations for 2022 Volunteer Service Awards

McLEAN, Virginia – 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI) announces the opening of nominations for its 2022 Volunteer Service Awards program to recognize the extraordinary dedication and commitment of individuals who contribute to the development of voluntary standards and the mission of 3-A SSI.  The three annual awards constitute a highly visible and significant form of recognition for the outstanding service of individuals to the advancement of 3-A SSI. 

The 3-A SSI awards include the following:

  • The Leadership Service Award is presented to an individual or group who demonstrates a record of significant contribution to 3-A SSI voluntary standards development, and who has demonstrated outstanding service in enabling 3-A SSI to attain its objectives.   Accomplishments may include leading a major new activity, reducing the cycle time of development, revitalizing a ‘dormant’ activity or other outstanding service.
  • The 3-A SSI Advancement Award honors outstanding accomplishments performed by any individual or group on behalf of 3-A SSI, such as advancing the use or industry recognition of 3-A Sanitary Standards or 3-A Accepted Practices.
  • The Next Generation Award honors an individual who has been engaged in 3-A SSI standards development activities for less than five years and has demonstrated leadership, dedication and significant contributions to the development of 3-A Sanitary Standards or 3-A Accepted Practices. 

Names of previous award winners are maintained on the 3-A SSI web site under ‘About Us’, Honors and Awards’ at https://www.3-a.org/About/Honors-and-Awards.

More details on the program are available on the 3-A SSI web site at https://www.3-a.org/News-Events-Updates/News and the nomination form is available at 2022 Volunteer Service Award Nomination Form

The close date for 2022 nominations is April 8, 2022.  Awards will be presented at the 3-A SSI Annual Meeting in Bloomington, MN on May 19, 2022.

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3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to enhance product safety for consumers of food, beverages, and pharmaceutical products through the development and use of 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices.  Visit the 3-A SSI website at www.3-a.org.

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