Michael Drumm
/ Categories: 2021

3-A SSI Releases Revised Standards for Homogenizers/Reciprocating Pumps and Tubular Heat Exchangers

McLEAN, Virginia - 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. announces the release of two more equipment standards revised to reference the 3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements, ANSI/3-A 00-01-2018 as a major normative reference.

3-A Sanitary Standard for Homogenizers and Reciprocating Pumps, Number 04-06 applies to the sanitary aspects of homogenizers and reciprocating pumps, and their integral ancillary components, for liquid products.  Product enters the homogenizer or reciprocating pump at the product inlet and exits at the product outlet. This 3-A Sanitary Standard does not include drum-type pumps.

3-A Sanitary Standard for Tubular Heat Exchangers, Number 12-08 applies to the sanitary aspects of tubular heat exchangers without agitators.  Product enters at the product inlet(s) and exits at the product outlet(s). Both standards become effective on June 5, 2021.

Symbol Holders should contact their Certified Conformance Evaluators to request an amendment report to show conformance to the new edition per the requirements of the TPV Manual and 3-A Symbol License Agreement available on our website www.3-a.org. All Standards and Accepted Practices are available for purchase in electronic or hard copy at the 3-A SSI eStore at www.3-a.org under ‘Standards & Accepted Practices Store’.

3-A SSI maintains over 80 individual food processing equipment standards and 10 accepted practices for food processing systems.  A large number have been upgraded to the new format but many other revisions are underway in this multi-year project.  3-A SSI invites all interested stakeholders to join the 3-A SSI Working Group(s) of interest.  Visit our Working Group webpage https://www.3-a.org/Standards-Committees/Working-Groups for more information or contact Eric Schweitzer at erics@3-a.org.

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