3-A SSI Releases Revised Sanitary Standard for Compression-Type Valves, Number 53-07
McLEAN, Virginia - 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. has released the revision of the widely used 3-A Sanitary Standard for Compression-Type Valves, Number 53-07. This 8th revision becomes effective on July 10, 2021. The most significant changes in this revision reflect the incorporation of the “B Level” Format and Style with normative reference to the ANSI/3-A 00-01-2018, 3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements (GR). In addition, the revision includes many additions to the list of plastic allowances and clarity for use of enclosed threads “for valve stems and valve plug to stem assembly” with further mandatory requirements referenced in the GR.
The scope of 3-A Sanitary Standard Number 53-07 “applies to the sanitary aspects of compression-type valves used on processing equipment and on equipment and lines which hold or convey fluid products. Product enters the inlet(s) and exits the outlet(s) of the valve and when used includes the actuator.”
3-A Symbol Holders should contact their Certified Conformance Evaluators to request an amendment report to show conformance to the new edition per the requirements of the TPV Manual and 3-A Symbol License Agreement available at www.3-a.org.
A copy of 53-07 and other 3-A SSI documents are available at www.3-a.org under ‘Standards & Accepted Practices Store’.