Why a 3-A Sanitary Standard for rubber materials? Isn’t FDA food grade testing sufficient?
Compliance with FDA regulations in CFR Title 21, Part 177.2600 is a primary requisite of the 3-A Standard. FDA specifies the permitted "ingredients" for food grade rubbers, that is, the natural and/or synthetic polymers and the adjuvant substances (e.g. vulcanization materials, antioxidants, plasticizers, fillers, colorants, etc.). The 3-A Sanitary Standard specifies additional performance requirements to establish acceptance for these applications. Specifically, the materials must meet requirements for compatibility with cleaning and sanitizing agents under accelerated use-simulating conditions. These tests are intended to evaluate the rubber physical properties and to assess performance of the rubber under accelerated simulated dairy product contact and cleaning conditions. The specified laboratory testing concerns milk fat absorption, air aging stability, and tests for compatibility with cleaning and sanitizing agents.