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RPSCQC Certificate Holder Directory
RPSCQC Certificate Holder Directory
Any piece of equipment that DOES NOT display the 3-A Symbol is to be considered as not covered by any aspect of the 3-A Symbol Authorization Program.
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01-09 (Insulated Tanks)
02-12 (Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Pumps)
04-06 (Homogenizers and Reciprocating Pumps)
05-16 (Stainless Steel Automotive Transportation Tanks)
10-04 (Filters Using Single Service Filter Media)
101-00 (Pipeline Product Recovery Equipment Using Projectiles)
102-00 (Unitized Equipment for Automated Milking Installations)
103-00 (Robot-Based Automation Systems)
11-10 (Plate-Type Heat Exchangers)
12-08 (Tubular Heat Exchangers)
13-11 (Farm Milk Cooling and Holding Tanks)
14159-1 (Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Meat & Poultry Processing Equipment)
14159-2 (Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Hand Held Tools Used in Meat & Poultry Processing)
14159-3 (Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Mechanical Belt Conveyors Used in Meat & Poultry Processing)
16-05 (Products Evaporators and Vacuum Pans)
17-13 (Formers, Fillers, and Sealers of Containers for Fluid Products)
18-03 (Multiple Use Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials)
19-07 (Batch and Continuous Freezers for Frozen Foods)
20-27 (Multiple Use Plastic Materials)
21-02 (Centrifugal Separators and Clarifiers)
22-08 (Silo-Type Storage Tanks)
24-03 (Non-Coil Type Batch Pasteurizers)
25-03 (Non-Coil Type Batch Processors)
26-06 (Sifters for Dry Products)
27-08 (Equipment for Packaging Non-Fluid Products)
28-06 (Flow Meters)
29-03 (Air Eliminators)
30-02 (Farm Raw Milk Storage Tanks)
31-07 (Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers)
32-04 (Uninsulated Tanks)
33-03 (Metal Tubing)
34-02 (Portable Bins for Dry Products)
35-04 (Blending Equipment)
36-01 (Inline Rotor-Stator Mixers)
38-01 (Open Cheese Vats and Tables)
39-01 (Pneumatic Conveyors for Dry Products)
40-04 (Bag Collectors)
41-03 (Mechanical Conveyors for Dry Products)
42-02 (In-Line Strainers)
44-03 (Diaphragm Pumps)
45-03 (Crossflow Membrane Modules)
46-04 (Refractometers and Energy-Absorbing Optical Sensors)
47-00 (Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Pumps for Pumping Cleaning and Sanitizing Solutions)
49-01 (Air Driven Sonic Horns for Dry Products)
50-02 (Level Sensing Devices for Dry Products)
51-01 (Plug-Type Valves)
52-02 (Plastic Plug-Type Valves)
53-07 (Compression-Type Valves)
54-02 (Diaphragm-Type Valves)
55-02 (Boot Seal-Type Valves)
56-00 (Inlet and Outlet Leak-Protector Plug-Type Valves)
57-02 (Disc-Type Valves)
58-02 (Vacuum Breakers and Check Valves)
59-00 (Automatic Positive Displacement Samplers for Fluid Products)
60-01 (Rupture Disc Assemblies)
61-02 (Steam Injection Heaters)
62-02 (Hose Assemblies)
63-04 (Sanitary Fittings)
64-00 (Pressure Reducing and Back Pressure Regulating Valves)
65-01 (Sight and/or Light Windows and Sight Indicators in Contact with Product)
68-01 (Ball-Type Valves)
70-03 (Italian-Type Pasta Filata Style Cheese Cookers)
71-01 (Italian-Type Pasta Filata Style Cheese Moulders)
72-01 (Italian-Type Pasta Filata Style Moulded Cheese Chillers)
73-01 (Shear Mixers, Mixers, and Agitators)
74-07 (Sensors and Sensor Fittings and Connections)
75-01 (Belt-Type Feeders)
78-03 (Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place)
78-04 (Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place)
81-01 (Auger-Type Feeders)
82-00 (Pulsation Dampening Devices)
83-01 (Enclosed Cheese Vats and Tables)
84-02 (Personnel Access Ports for Wet Applications)
85-03 (Double-Seat Mixproof Valves)
87-00 (Mechanical Strainers)
88-01 (Machine Leveling Feet and Supports)
95-00 (Transportation Tank Vents)
Yellow Highlight = License Expired
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